Hoping for Great Prospects in New Year of Pig Building Science-Technology Society 'Renaissance of Science & Technology' ETRI, a Trendsetter of 'IT Korea' 'Energy, Chemical Major in Asia-Pacific Region'
PUBLISHER'S MESSAGE Hoping for Great Prospects in New Year of Pig COVER STORY/INFO-TECH NIA Spearheads Ubiquitous Society COVER STORY/SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 'Renewed Resolution, Strength' COLUMN Progress in Deposit Insurance System to Take Lead in Maintaining Financial Stability ECONOMY Lower GDP Growth NATION Lee's Lead Widens POLICY Many Challenges Ahead Sqeeze on Housing Loans Building Science-Technology Society Long, Hard Work Ahead A Leading IT Powerhouse Curbing Runaway Apartment Prices NEW YEAR'S MEETING A Dynamic Year for Tourism 'Renaissance of Science & Technology' KCCI Hosts New Year? Greeting Gathering MUNICIPALITY Making Seoul Fun, Elegant POSTAL SERVICE Alert to Biz Environment Changes INFO-TECH ETRI, a Trendsetter of 'IT Korea' KT to Upgrade Multimedia Infrastructure to 'the Fiber to the Home' SK Telecom's Big Hero ENERGY Expanded Global Presence 'Creative, Innovative, Change Leaders' 'A Leading Clean Company in Global Energy Market' 'Set for a Take-off' KOSEP Strives to Raise Management to Global Standards A Slight Rise in Energy Demand 'Energy, Chemical Major in Asia-Pacific Region' 'Integrated Energy Service Leader' Eyes for Overseas Advancement
FINANCE An Aggressive Design KDB's Diversification Needs For Strong Overseas Base Boosting Synergy among Affiliates Standing Upright on World Stage Continuous Support for SMEs 'Global Asset Management Corp.' Hyundai Securities'Policy Shifts from Saving to Investment TRADE KTNET, Global e-Trade Partner CORPORATION 'Challenge with Creative Thinking and Innovation' 'First-Class Management by Creation of Customer Values' 'Customer-Oriented and Global Management' Global Strategies ELECTRONICS Rich Digital Experiences at CES 2007 Samsung Launches GPS Navigator STT-D370 in Korea Samsung Launches Thinnest HSDPA Slider Samsung Unveils Phone Supporting Real-Time Traffic Service via T-DMB Samsung Reveals Industry's First LG Electronics, super Multi Blue'Player at CES STEEL Calls to Hang Tough POSCO to Diversify Operations A Giant Steel Network MACHINERY Another Good Year CONSTRUCTION 'Not an Easy Year' FASHION A Spectacular Show in Shanghai LEISURE/SPORT Come to High 1 Ski Course ART Art through Prism of Light TOURISM Oak Room's Hottest Spot Is Cold as Ice!