Building Science-
Technology Society
MOST to upgrade reform system through core science-technology agenda
Deputy Prime Minister and Science-Technology Minister Kim Woo-sik said in his New Year address that the ministry will face many challenges and tasks ahead this year being its 40th anniversary year of its launching. He would lead the ministry to achieve what the people want as much as he can, falling back on the base of past experiences and the effort, he said.
The Participatory Government led by President Roh Moo-hyun has been working to have the national science and technology reform system to take a root in the country and this year, it will focus on boosting the results of R&D activities through revised R&D plan and readjustment and an effective resources distribution based on the R&D total roadmap.
In the New Year, MOST will build a great achievement that rounds up a historic step for building new growth engines and a science-technology centered society targeted by the participatory government this year. To meet this objective, the ministry will push for a core science and technology agenda and upgrade the science technology reform system, the deputy prime minister elaborated.
MOST will also make sure that the results of national R&D activities , the search for post-next generation growth engines, an integrated management of R&D results and the expansion of their results and the training of science technology personnel, management are made part of daily life and popularized so that the people can feel them physically.
The ministry will also take care of work to strengthen the development capacity of basic and fundamental technologies, supplement the space development capacity by Korea alone, and the research on the peaceful use of nuclear energy and the development of nuclear fusion furnace to upgrade the national competitive power for technology development.
Minister Kim said the MOST will give priority to results first and create a reformative organizational culture through the system allowing reform activities. He said the ministry will promote global networking for globalization of science technology. nw
Deputy Prime Minister and Science-Technology Minister Kim Woo-sik