Korea Envisages Global Satellite Powerhouse Key Is Diversification of Business Samsung Electronics?Wibro Advances to U.S. Market Recharging Housing Industry Samsung Unveils Slim HSDPA Phone
COVER STORY Samsung Electronics?Wibro Advances to U.S. Market KITA Sets Its Sights on Posting $1 tln Worth of Trade COLUMN It's Time to Draw up Policies to Brace for Changes in Economic Strategies for China Preparing for Climate Change Agreement: High Time for Greenhouse Gas Reduction FIAR TRADE KFTC Holds Int'l Talks on Competition Law DOMESTIC In Focus; Wartime Operations Command of Korean Military ECONOMY BOK's Call Rate Hike Touches Off Debate over Economy A Gloomy Economic Outlook FINANCE Shinhan Financial Attempts to Expand Non-Banking Sector A Dandy Outlook for Banks 60th Anniversary Celebration STOCK Foreign Investors: Good or Bad? CORPORATION Tightening Corporate Governance SCIENCE Korea Envisages Global Satellite Powerhouse Close Exchanges with Ethnic Korean Scientists ENERGY KEPCO to Make Distribution Independent Management Entity Nuke Waste Storage Project KNFC's New Chief
CONSTRUCTION Recharging Housing Industry In Charge of Infrastructure Building Top Builder in the Country Lotte E&C, 'Absolute Value Creator' Yangjae-Giheung Section of Gyeongbu Expressway to Be Expanded PLANT ENGINEERING Further Globalization Ahead ITS DIS Aims to Be Global Trusted IT Partner ELECTRONICS Samsung's Own Way Samsung Unveils Slim HSDPA Phone A Big Q2 Turnaround LG Electronics Wins 3 EISA Awards Beefing up Operations in China STEEL Another Promising Overseas Venture AUTOMOTIVE PARTS Hanhwa L&C Expands Overseas Presence in Automotive Parts FORUM Advices from Professors EXHIBITION A Fantasy of Colors TOURISM Asiana Ushers in 'Aviation Paperless Era' ART Hyper-Realism at Work POTAL SERVICE Key Is Diversification of Business