Shinhan Life Celebrates 22nd Anniversary

The life insurance firm declares ¡°Warm Insurance¡± as its management theme to boost its image as a socially conscious firm



Shinhan Life Insurance Co. on March 23 marked the company¡¯s 22nd anniversary in a ceremony held at the training institute of Shinhan Bank in Kihung, Gyeonggi Province, just outside of Seoul, with some 600 executives and staff attending.
The ceremony was a joyous event as the financial consultants and other employees of the life insurer rejoiced over their awards in recognition of their performance results in 2011.
The awards were presented to 350 from the ranks of financial consulting, telemarketing, and branch managers by Chairman Han Dong-woo of Shinhan Financial Group, recognizing their practice of ¡°The Shinhan Way,¡± a core value of the financial group.
Winning the grand award in the financial consulting section was Mo Myung-seo, a financial consultant at the Baeksong Branch in Incheon, who concluded 550 retirement pension life insurance policy contracts and the collection of 150 million won in insurance premiums in 2011.
President Kwon Jum-ju declared ¡°Warm Insurance¡± at the ceremony as a new theme of management to uphold customer value as a top value of the business activities of the company in order to win the customer¡¯s trust by practicing honest management and providing insurance products designed to help customers in need and the growth of society.
The entire company has been practicing the company¡¯s management theme since last year by realizing the five major disciplines.
The first is the expansion of its financial support to low-income and multi-national families in addition to families with many children and the handicapped by exempting fees and offering favorable interest rates on savings type insurance products. The second is the donation of some of the funds from each of its life insurance products and profits from cancer related life insurance products to cancer-related organizations, sports organizations, and senior citizens living alone, in a measure to expand the donation culture in the company.
Shinhan Life has also decided to expand the period for matching grants in profits from life insurance products for children to increase financial support to children, the generation who will run the country in the future.
The company will set aside 1,000 won from every life insurance product for children sold and donate the money to safety programs for children and charities for those with untreatable diseases.
The company has also decided to help the policyholders in need including those who have lost their jobs and closed their companies by allowing them enough time for repayment of loans and insurance premiums in line with the warm insurance management strategy, the company said.
The company has also been expanding its sharing management policy through social services to all the units in the company under the Love Bridge campaign.
Under ¡°36.5 Love, 365 Forever,¡± a slogan to help economically isolated families, the company has been pushing ¡°The Collection of Last Change from Salary¡± program to have every officer and staff in the company donate a little change to families with cancer-stricken children and other social service activities to improve the company¡¯s image as a social enterprise.
Shinhan Life has created a micro insurance product called ¡°Shinhan Hope, Love Insurance¡± for families in the low-income bracket to help their children and others who they support receive free medical treatments for such critical diseases as cancer, along with special discounts on their life insurance premiums.

President Kwon Jum-ju of Shinhan Life Insurance Co.

President Kwon serves lunch at the company's dining facility to employees of the company.

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