¡®Realization of Nuclear Power Safety Thru Optimal Services¡¯

KEPCO KPS aims for 1 tln won in sales in 2012

KEPCO KPS is a company specialized in reliable high-quality maintenance of power plant, transmission, substation, and industrial facilities. First established for the efficient maintenance of electric power facilities in Korea, which are crucial to economic development, KEPCO KPS has brought greater convenience to the public by developing technology and nurturing experts in this field for the last three decades. Furthermore, the company has exerted enormous efforts to raise Korea¡¯s maintenance technology to the world¡¯s best.
Thanks to years of hard work, KEPCO KPS now holds maintenance technologies for hydro, thermal, and nuclear power plants that are on par with those of advanced countries. Korea¡¯s high utilization of power facilities ranks with those of advanced countries such as the United States and Japan. KEPCO KPS is among the world¡¯s top when it comes to the diversity of its technology.
KEPCO KPS President & CEO Tae Sung-eun said his company aims at chalking up 1 trillion won in sales this year.
Tae made the remark at a ceremony to begin the 2012 business year at his company¡¯s headquarters on Jan. 2 in which his executives and all staff members were on hand.¡±Let¡¯s make 2012 a historic year of achieving 1 trillion won in sales for the first time in KEPCO KPS¡¯s history,¡± he said. To this end, he called for his executives and staff members to make concerted efforts with a challenging spirit to proactively explore its future.
He expounded on KEPCO KPS¡¯s major tasks ¡Æ¢â securing top-level maintenance capabilities; solidifying a foundation for future growth engines; securing world-class technological competitiveness; and firming up responsible management.
KEPCO KPS established its ¡°Vision 2020,¡± calling for becoming a ¡°global business partner for green energy management.¡± To this end, the company has set four strategic directions ¡Æ¢â enhancing the competitiveness of existing businesses, accelerating globalization, diversifying business areas, and establishing an enabling system ¡Æ¢â and 10 major tasks. To realize the vision, KEPCO KPS will pursue the key values of customer satisfaction, innovation, technology, talented human resources, and a global orientation in order to become the world¡¯s No. 1 total plant services company with 3 trillion won in revenues by 2020.

KEPCO KPS has realized the enh-ancement of facility utilization and responsible maintenance of nuclear power plants by ramping up seamless preventive and predictive maintenance activities. This is owed to the company¡¯s achieving the feat of no stoppages stemming from a breakdown for the eighth consecutive year.
During 2012, KEPCO KPS strives to establish its leadership in the Korean and overseas maintenance markets by achieving seamless maintenance for power facilities through being faithful to the basics, the provision of client-oriented solutions, and the offering of services tailored to meet clients¡¯ needs.

Currently, KEPCO KPS is undertaking 56 projects in about 20 foreign countries. In particular, the company¡¯s participation in the construction of nuclear power plants in the United Arab Emirates has paved the way for the company¡¯s possible exporting of nuclear power technology abroad.
In the UAE project, KEPCO KPS is charged with start-up maintenance, the education of UAE maintenance personnel, and other diagnosis and maintenance activities.
KEPCO KPS strives to expand its business environs abroad by jointly collaborating in exploring foreign markets with KEPCO and other Korean power companies.
The company plans to build overseas business infrastructure by 2013 and to accelerate its overseas business exploration in a full-fledged manner starting from 2017.
KEPCO KPS owes its impressive results to efforts to turn its eyes overseas, not resting on its laurels in the domestic market.
Since starting planned outage maintenance on the southern thermal power plant in Baghdad, Iraq, in 1982, KEPCO KPS took on the rehabilitation of the Dibis power plant in Iraq; technology service for the Kwangtung nuclear power plant in China; a rehabilitation project of the Malaya thermal power plant in the Philippines; O&M of the Tawau diesel power plant in Malaysia; seawater cooling system O&M in Saudi Arabia; and consulting service regarding the establishment of a maintenance company in Indonesia.

EPCO KPS President Tae Sung-eun

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