Continuous Push for Vision 2020
STX Group to exercise tight management this year to cut costs and for stable growth
Chairman Kang Duk-soo in his New Year's speech said STX Group should work for its stable growth through tight management to cut costs and careful selection of projects under responsible management.
In the New Year's statement released on Jan. 2, he said the European debt crisis and uncertainty in the world economy would continue to persist this year, too, and all of us should arm with the spirit of owners to work hard to turn the crisis into an opportunity under the responsible management, the keyword for the group's management strategy for this year.
With achieving stable growth through tight management being the key theme for this year's management strategy for the group, the chairman called on the group to go all out for getting projects and marketing, boosting profit with reform of management effectiveness, strengthening manufacturing competitiveness, settling down the base for achieving the Vision 2020 and education of talented personnel for future operations?the five key points in the group's management this year.
In so far as getting project orders and business are geared to starting management activities and starting point of profit creation, each affiliate should mobilize its entire resources and explore strategic markets and achieve the targets for its project orders this year.
The chairman called on each affiliate to reform its business processes to improve the profitability at the same time secure the highest competitive manufacturing competitive edge sharp enough to satisfy the customer needs with improved service and product quality.
Kang also called for continuous hike in improvement efforts for businesses through sustained work to find new growth businesses and build a base for sustainable growth under the 2020 Vision as farmers secure seeds for the coming spring, the group should develop and train personnel who will run the group in the future.
The group set 43 trillion won worth of new project orders for this year, and sales revenue of 33 trillion won, up 43 percent and 14 percent respectively YoY. Last year, STX Group recorded the annual sales of 29 trillion won and secured project orders totaling 30 trillion won. nw
STX Group Chairman Kang Duk-soo |