'Bracing For Low-Birth, Aging Society'

Public trust for the successful implementation of medical and welfare policies


Minister Rim Che-min of the Ministry of Health & Welfare (MW) said, "The government will push ahead with measures to address health, medical, and social welfare issues and low-birth and an aging society in a brave and consistent fashion."
In his New Year message, MW Minister Rim said his ministry will strive to make noticeable outcomes in major tasks such as the establishment of a prevention-oriented health and medical service regime, the strengthening of a social safety net and the operation of a well-knit welfare service network, the expansion of daycare, and the provision for old age.
An outpouring of demands on welfare coupled with economic growth and conflicts of interest among all segments of society is a natural phenomenon, and it is a fundamental welfare policy task to deal with people's demands in a wise manner, he said.
More resources and greater care will be poured into sectors which badly need protection and support, and a solid foundation should be laid to put long-term policies on the right track, and sharing welfare with harmony among various strata and generations is essential to help the nation make its way toward an advanced welfare state, he said.
Rim said everyone in the health and welfare field should be armed with a higher sense of responsibility to achieve these goals, and welfare policies cannot be successfully implemented unless they gain public trust.
All of the MW rank and file officials and medical and welfare service providers will have to redouble their efforts to win greater recognition and trust from the general public, and those in the MW will spearhead efforts to deepen mutual trust, he said.
Rim also told a meeting with reporters on Jan. 3 the government plans to provide a childcare pay to all families with children aged two and under, regardless of income.
He unveiled the policy, saying that the state's responsibility to care for children has been expanding and President Lee Myung-bak mentioned the direction of the nation's childcare policies while delivering his New Year address. nw

Minister Rim Che-min of the Ministry of Health & Welfare delivers his speech at a ceremony to launch the ministry's 2012 business year.


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