New Vice Minister for Trade & Energy Takes Charge

SBC President Song appointed to be SMBA administrator










Cho Seok, president of Korea Industrial Complex (KICOX), has returned to the Ministry of Knowledge Economy (MKE), six months after leaving his post there, becoming the vice minister for trade and energy.
In his inaugural speech, Vice MKE Minister Cho stressed the MKE's organizational soul-searching, saying, "The energy and resources divisions (of the MKE) are seen, in a word, somewhat in an organizational crisis, and a soul-searching over the existence of the MKE and its roles is required."
"The organization needs to be in a more alert environ, at least such a thing has to be in place in the fields in which I'm in charge," the new vice minister said. He was apparently referring to the emergency power blackouts that hit many parts of the nation in September.
Cho said, "Energy policies will have to be considered in the long-term perspective so that the policies could become a boon to late-coming officials in the next three to five years."
As to the nuclear power sector, he said, "The field is an issue among generations, and it is also an issue on how much we can do for the future generations with a mission and responsibility."
Cho, a graduate of Seoul National University in 1981, began his official career in early 1982 and held positions at the Seoul Metropolitan City and the central government.
Beginning in 2001, he assumed top posts at the commerce ministry, now the MKE, before leaving the government to lead KICOX midway through 2011.
Cho studied at Missouri State University and received his Ph.D. in economics from Kyunghee University in 2007.
President Lee Myung-bak also appointed Song Jong-ho, president of Small & Medium Business Corp. (SBC), to be the administrator of the Small & Medium Business Administration (SMBA). nw


(top, right) Vice Minister of Knowledge Economy Cho Seok.
( top, left) Cho delivers his inaugural speech at a ceremony at the Ministry of Knowledge Economy on Dec. 6. (right,below) Song Jong-ho, the new administrator of the Small & Medium Business Administration Photos on courtesy of MKE, SBC

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