SeAh on the Move
Special steel maker clinches Quality Management Award for excellent quality of its steel products
SeAH Special Steel Co. clinched the National Quality Management Award in the area of production reform this year. President Lee Seung-whi and officers and staff of the special steel company feel it's a great honor for the company and its employees.
President Lee credited the company's executives and staff for the glory especially as it came this year, which is the 20th anniversary of the steel maker. "They dedicated themselves day and night to help the company to grow," the CEO said. He said all of us worked hard to push production reform through management policies and differentiation strategies for its products and as a result, help save costs for automobile production and at the same time raising the quality of cars, winning excellent evaluations.
On the occasion of winning the award, the president said, the company should further step up its push for reform activities to firm up its position as a leading special steel maker with top competitive edge in the world, doing its best to boost national competitive power.
The company has been taking on reform activity since 1994 to secure its competitive edge through the maximum upgrading of its products and differentiated quality from rival products, overcoming the crisis in the management climate both at home and overseas, while weakening domestic competitive edge, increased risks in Chinese market and rising raw material prices around the world, the company said.
SeAh Steel built its first steel plant in Pohang in 1986 and changed its name to SeAH Special Steel Co. Its steel products include CHQ Wire, CD Bar, STS Bar and others used by automobile, construction, machinery and electronic parts. The company has become a leader in its special area of steel making through differentiated quality of its products and services and investments looking far ahead of its future.
The company set up the vision for its growth to be a global leader with top competitive edge by reforming its productivity and collection of data through electronic means based on work sites, which enabled the company to predict future market trends to forecast future demand for its products, importing and developing new steel-making technologies, securing and maintaining top competitive power for the company and the industry. Included among the imported new technologies were seam free wire, among others.
The company attained the ISO 9002 Assurance Certificate in 1995 and the ISO/TS 16949 Quality Assurance Certificate in 2006 and introduced the Web-based approval system to improve its business system and doing its best to reform its management based on jobsites for maximum management effect.
The company is in the process of installing the EGS/EIS system with ERP, the company developed by itself, which involves the production plan preparation, its implementation and evaluation and the system is useful in smooth communication between managers and personnel at jobsites strengthening cooperation between them. The company also established a fair personnel promotion system and provide incentives to its employees to work hard. At the company's jobsites, the ERP program has been implemented effectively for systematic supply of raw material, production planning, and marketing plan. nw
President Lee Seung-hwi of SeAH Special Steel Co.