'Hi Seoul Festival'Opens
Up World of Palaces

Will showcase diverse programs like concerts and street parades

The 41st Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors of the Asian Development Bank will be held from May 3 - 6 at the Institucion Ferial de Madrid (IFEMA) in Madrid, Spain.
Among the agenda items the ADB will address during the upcoming annual meeting will be the presentation of the annual report for 2007, financial statements and independent auditors'reports, the budget for 2008, resources of the ADB and a review of rules and regulations.
The opening event and opening session of the Board of Governors will be scheduled for May 5 between 10:30 a.m. and 12:15 p.m.
Governors will have an in-depth discussion of goals and strategies of the ADB to cope with the changing environment in the Asia and Pacific regions. The Governors'Seminar, "Strategy 2020: the Asian Development Bank's New Long-Term Strategic Framework (2008-2020) -- Opportunities and the Road Ahead,"will be held on May 4 between 10 a.m. and 12 p.m.
A Korean delegation, headed by Strategy and Finance Minister Kang Man-soo will be sent to the annual meeting.
ADB Launches New Long-Term Strategy
MANILA, PHILIPPINES (ADB) - The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has launched Strategy 2020, a new long-term strategy for its vision of an Asia and Pacific region free of poverty.
To fight poverty in a region of more than 600 million poor people surviving on $1 a day, Strategy 2020 will refocus ADB operations on three development agendas -- inclusive economic growth, environmentally sustainable growth, and regional integration.
"Strategy 2020 reshapes, redirects and repositions ADB for a more innovative and effective development role in our rapidly changing region and within the international aid architecture,"President Haruhiko Kuroda said.
Strategy 2020 sets ADB's new strategic course, emphasizing that poverty reduction can only be sustained if more people are economically productive, economic growth takes place in a well-managed natural environment and neighboring economies work within larger and freer markets to achieve shared interests through cooperation.
By 2012, 80 percent of ADB's lending will be in five core operational areas identified as ADB's comparative strengths -- infrastructure, environment, regional cooperation and integration, finance sector development and education. By 2020, about 50 percent of operations will be in private sector development and private sector operations, and 30 percent in regional cooperation and integration. ADB will continue to operate on a more selective basis in health, agriculture and disaster and emergency assistance.
Strategy 2020 identifies drivers of change that will be stressed in its operations -- developing the private sector, encouraging good corporate governance, supporting gender equality and helping developing countries gain knowledge. It emphasizes ADB's commitment to partner with other development institutions, the private sector and community-based organizations.
ADB's stakeholders provided extensive input into Strategy 2020, which will serve as ADB's main strategic document from 2008 to 2020, replacing the long-term strategic framework for 2001-2015 released in 2000. nw

ADB Pres. Haruhiko Kuroda

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