Gov't to Develop Robot Industry
as Strategic Value-Added One

Some 150 experts participate in a policy forum designed to promote collaboration among industry, academic, research and government

The government is accelerating its efforts to develop such value-added robot technologies as laparoscopy robots, hybrid power systems for high-power robots and platforms for robot software. These and other were unveiled during the Fourth Robot Industry Policy Forum, organized by the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy (MOCIE) on Dec. 14 at the Korea Electronics Technology Institute Grand Auditorium.
About 150 experts from the robot-related industries participated in the forum designed to explore ways of promoting collaboration among industry, academic, research and government circles in order to make the robot industry a value-added industry by promoting technology development in strategic areas in 2008 and later, said Shim Hak-bong, director of the MOCIE Robot Department.
Speakers at the morning session discussed the current status and future plans of such issues as strategic technology development projects for expanding technology exchanges, growth engine technology development projects and tier technology development projects. They also focused proposals on the development direction of such value-added robot products as medical robots, robots supporting SMEs and robot power systems as well as the need for securing the related key robot parts and original technologies.
In the afternoon session, speakers also dealt with such issues as ways of establishing such infrastructure as robot-related manpower development, robot standardization and certification, and ethics chapter.
The participants had active discussions over ways of creating the demand for robots by issuing robot funds, providing support for joint purchases and the establishment of robot cafes.
The forum, inaugurated in November 2006, has established itself as a body designed to discuss a wide range of industrial fields related to the robot industry and make proposals on policy, technology, and market to commercialization.
It has contributed to working out advance strategies designed to make Korea a robot powerhouse through robot land construction, issuance of robot funds and the promulgation of a robot ethics chapter by deliberating proposals made by 13 task force teams, including the legal and constitutional improvement team.
The participants shared the view that the government should offer active support for ensuring a stable development of the robot industry in consideration of its infant stage and that the bill to enact the Special Robot Act, now pending at the National Assembly Commerce, Industry and Energy Committee, must be passed as soon as possible.
The forum is expected to provide a good opportunity to spur the development of the robot industry by strengthening information exchanges and cooperative networks among industry, academic, research and government circles and combining all capabilities in one place, MOCIE officials said.
MOCIE officials said they plan to regularize such forums and actively reflect its policies by scrutinizing proposals coming from such forums. nw

Vice Minister for Commerce and Industry Oh Young-ho speaks during the "Night for Robot Industry Businessmen"at the "63"DLI Building in Yeouido on Dec. 5.

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