KATS to Introduce Logistics
Management System Certification

It is designed to renovate the logistics system and raise efficiency of logistics flow

Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS) plans to change the existing logistics standard equipment certification system into a logistics management system certification in a bid to revamp the logistics system and raise efficiency of logistics flow.
KATS under the control of the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy said on March 9 that the logistics standard equipment certification system, designed to certify logistics equipment as forklifts and container, based primarily on the suitability of the standard palette (1100mmx1100mm) will be revamped into a logistics management system certification.
The newly introduced logistics management system certification will appraise whether all process ranging from packing to transportation and stevedoring are standardized, outfitted with a unit load system as well as whether the whole of the logistics management system is operated efficiently.
The new certification is a kind of a system certification involving modules of three to five stages for moving cargo for the purpose of raising efficiency of each stage rather than simply certifying each item.
KATS said it will work out the guideline for introducing the logistics management system certification within this month and a pilot program will be conducted to affiliates of conglomerates and logistics companies.
Kim Se-jin, director of Advanced Technology Certification Assistance Division, said if the logistics management system certification is in place, the new system together with comprehensive logistics certification system the Ministry of Construction and the Ministry of Marine Affairs & Fisheries want to implement will expedite integrated transportation network buildup, thus contributing to cutting down on corporate logistics expenditures through the standardization and automation of logistics equipment and instruments.
KS for High Efficiency LED Lights
KATS plans to establish 15 kinds of KS standards over the next three years in order to enhance the development and supply business effects of LED lighting, which is in the spotlight as a next-generation device enabling reduction of electrical energy up to 90%.
To effectively support LED lighting technology development by enterprises and also to standardize testing and appraisal methods and quality criteria for lighting products, KATS established the "Three-Year Plan for Standardization of LED Lighting."Meanwhile, the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy (MOCIE) is promoting 'LED Lighting 15/30 Supply Project'designed to replace more than 30% of the current market with LED lighting by 2015.
According to the plan, KATS intends to establish eight kinds of KS for emergency lights for buildings, LED electric signs, thermal characteristics, safety requirements, function-testing methods, etc. in 2007; four kinds, including function-testing methods for automobile LED lighting in 2008; and three kinds including LED street lamps in 2009.
In the future, KATS plans to reorganize and expand the 'LED Lighting Standardization Consortium'for networking the various infrastructure of related organizations. Based on this, while establishing KS standards for LED lighting, KATS plans to actively support enterprises at the same time by suggesting those established standards strategically as IEC standards so that Korean lighting products can preoccupy the global market. Comprehensive Countermeasures to Ensure Elevator Safety
Due to the increasing occurrence of elevator accidents at the start of this year, KATS announced comprehensive countermeasures against elevator safety accidents on March 7, including publicity reinforcement targeting elevator users, re-examination and adjustment of elevator inspection criteria and advancement of the elevator safety management level.
According to the countermeasures, for reduction of improper user behavior, which comprise the majority of the causes of accidents, and enhancement of the elevator utilization culture, joint street campaigns on 'Riding Elevators Correctly'will be conducted jointly by the government, inspection agencies and business communities; elevator safety education is being implemented jointly by KATS and inspection agencies for 500,000 children at about 350 primary schools nationwide; and an 'Elevator Safety Publicity Council,'composed of the government, inspection agencies, etc., will be organized and operated for establishment and implementation of comprehensive, systematic medium and long-term publicity plans. nw

KATS Administrator Choi Kap-hong

An aerial view of KATS headquarters

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