'Customer-, Human-Oriented Management'

Moojin Keeyeon pursues such management tenets as respect of human and creation of new technology

Moojin Keeyeon is committed to providing specialized technologies and excellent goods to customers and giving preference to eco-friendly management and public interests as the best options of obtaining a competitive edge in an era of unlimited competition. The company has been cherishing such management tenets as "respect of human, creation of new technology, implementation of public interests and eco-friendly management.
Moojin Keeyeon is a Korean leader of maintenance, rehabilitation and improvement for nuclear and thermal power plant equipment. It has been also credited with localizing advanced technologies and developing new technologies. In particular, its research unit has been yielding diverse achievements of government-invested and clients-specific research tasks for localizing advanced technologies and developing new technologies.
Take a look into cases of Moojin Keeyeon's localizing of technologies and their applications into the domestic nuclear power industry.
A case in focus is Advanced Friction Damper, a high-performance technology with more than 80 percent of energy-absorbing rate, Advanced Friction Damper aimed at reducing noises and oscillation caused by the resonance of pipe lines, structures and power generation equipment, applied to Wolsong nuclear power plants, Busan combined cycle power units and Ulsan thermal power units, proved to be a success.
Moojin Keeyeon has succeeded in localizing Spent Fuel Dry System (SFDS), a facility designed to ensure the safety relocation of spent fuel from a wet-type storage to a dry-type storage. The company, recognized of its capability of manufacturing SFDS from Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, the owner of the technology, agreed with AECL to export the facility for China's nuclear power units.
The company owns design and manufacturing techniques of Radiation Shielded Facilities: radiation shielded transportation containers, radiation shielded structures, radiation shielded walls and radiation shielded doors. It also specializes in such radioactive material transportation and radiation-shielded facilities as Trolley & Drum Docking System for radioactive Waste Vitrification.
Its products have turned out to make contributions to the brisk uses of Korea's nuclear power and thermal power units.
Many atomic energy powerhouses across the world have failed to raise public awareness toward the safety of nuclear power plants albeit a difference in the understanding of nuclear power safety. Korea is no exception.
Moojin Keeyeon leads the way in publicizing safety of nuclear power in Korea. The company is one of Korea's representative companies running a nuclear power publicity booth with the goal of educating residents of its business site on the safety of nuclear power, eco-friendly management of nuclear power facilities, economic benefits and the status of nuclear power units operating in Korea.
The company has been awarded with plagues of appreciation and citations from the government and clients in recognition of its technology development, quality satisfaction and nuclear power publicity activities.
Moojin Keeyeon won such certificates as ISO9001:2000, KEPIC-MN (Machinery of Nuclear of Korea Electric Power Industrial Code, an equivalent to the United States"ASME Code. The company also obtained certificates for the maintenance service of KHNP and KEPCO and for cooperative partnership with Doosan Heavy Industries. nw

Moojin Keeyeon CEO Cho Sung-eun (left) and Moojin Keeyeon headquarters and factory in Ancheong-dong, Gwangsan-gu, Gwangju Metropolitan City.

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