Art World
through Horse
Painter Zhang's works depict fascination with animals
Painter Zhang Dong-moon has experimented his pieces with the image of the horse in various ways on the principle that the form of beauty would stay constant to the extent that the animal controls the mind of the painter.
In every one of his works, there are horses in various forms, with other objects such as flowers and birds. The animal's beauty has been thoroughly analyzed and take apart to give new meanings.
In other words, Zhang would accept any form of image that the animal projects. The refined beauty of the horse, especially, its curve lines make up the esthetic value that his own formative language can produce. nw
Creation; 130 x 70 cm;
Acrylic on Canvas; 2006
Creation; 145 x 145 cm; Acrylic on Canvas; 2006
Creation; 35 x 90 cm; Acrylic on Canvas; 2006