Portrayal of Hopes and Dreams

Painter Lee depicts religious teachings, wise sayings for man's enlightenment

Lee Jin-hwa's artwork depict simple and light stories. The paintings have a strong illustration and drawing character and these paintings remind one of a bright poetic world. They are like literature or a painting with a story to tell.
Viewers can find messages in her work firmly planted as they reflect a strong mind and deep meditation, and religious enlightenment.The canvas is filled with the ideal hope and voice of salvation that man pursues in life.A long path, a high mountain peak, skies and clouds, the sun and tree, and the small and like people show the existence of men in the broad and never ending universe. The canvas might be small but the relatively minimized figure of man makes the painting itself feel grand and sublime.In the distant view of the painting a very small figure of a man can be seen.
The figures are walking along a long path or climbing a mountain or concentrating on a meditation or prayer. The paintings emphasize the situation that stand as a metaphor for the cultivation of the mind, religious enlightenment and suffering or life's journey.
Each painting has a title that reflects the situation. "Path of Life," "Load to Heaven," "Life on the Edge,"and "Stairway to Heaven,"to name just a few. As those titles suggest, each of her work gives a message on life, very religious in nature,about the mental enlightenment or meditation. The messages are not conveyed directly, but in round -about way rather so that the viewers can make up their own minds about them after seeing the paintings. The simple colors blend together with the lines to express the meaning of these paintings.
They are the images of a new spirituality and enlightenment. It quietly shows that paintings are part of out life and that they should show what we feel and learn and the hopes and dreams, and wishes.
Painter Lee's art pieces are a compact and clear depiction of the wise sayings, religious teachings, man's true enlightenment, and hopes and wishes. It reflects the artist's wish that many people will feel the warmth and be awakened through these works. nw

Painter Lee Jin-hwa

Endless Path; 80 x 60 cm;Water painting on paper; 2000.

Southern Wood;20x90 cm;Aqua color on wood;2006.

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