Western Power's Prowess
Korea Western Power Corp. clinches National Quality Management Award

All officers and employees of the Korea Western Power Corp.(President Kim Jong-shin) were very happy at the news that their company won the National Quality Management Award, one of the most authoritative awards in the country following its winning the Productivity Reform Award last year. They felt the glory came to them as a result of every one at the company doing its best to upgrade management reforms and activities to improve quality.
The company has been striving to win the award as it wanted to have an authoritative recognition for the evaluation and result of its effort to improve management reform since the company's birth. The company wanted to provide a better power distribution service to the people through its customer satisfaction management and build a base for its competitive power for development and upgrade its standing.
Western Power, since its foundation in 2001, has been striving to make a social contribution with the top energy in harmony with environment, technology, and humanity and the corporate ideal has been pushed by the company's 1,600 employees to provide top-quality power to the people, who are its customers and business firms so that they can use safe and handy electricity through the firm and systematic quality reform activities. The company has been at the forefront of the efforts to reform and continuous change through the participation of all employees under a superb leadership of the top manager of the company to make the company a "leader"in the power industry during the 21st century. The company has been undertaking management reform, implementation of ethical management and securing competitive edge under the Six Sigma Program to realize the strategic vision. As a result of such efforts, the company won the National Quality Management Award in 2003, followed by the Productivity Innovation Award and ranked at the top of the power generation company performance evaluation for 4 years in a row, opening the way for the company to become one of the best power generation companies in the world.
Last year, the company set up a mid-term target of realizing the company respected by young people through the "Y-Project 2007"which includes a total of 80 core objectives, mobilizing the entire officers and staff to achieve quality innovation. In March, the company won the third place in the evaluation of reform levels of government-affiliated firms totaling 212.
Western Power plans to build a top quality reform system with the participation of all officers and staff based on quality awareness and culture accumulated so far in the company. In particular, the effort to make the company one respected by young people will be the target of the management securing management structure, among the seven largest areas to be realized. The Six Sigma Management Reform will be modified to suit the particular nature of a public firm in terms of corporate growth. The company will also finish the completion of the BSC evaluation system to ensure that fair remuneration for results will be paid for the success of reform.
The company will also continue to work for management reform with the reform of process, quality and people as a base so that it could be a power generation company trusted by people and its employees would be able to make their dreams come true, in addition to building power plants and operating them.
Western Power was set up in 2001 with 176 billion won in capital. Its turnover in 2004 amounted to 2.057 trillion won and it is expected to amount to 2.3 trillion won this year. The company has 1,677 officers and staff on its payroll with its major product being electricity.
The company has six regional offices around the country including the Taean Power Generation Headquarters in Taean County in South Chungcheong Province and the Pyeongtaek Power Generation Headquarters in Pyeongtaek, Gyeonggi Province.

President Kim Jong-shin of Korea Western Power Corp., right, receives the National Quality Management Award from MOCIE Minister Lee Hee-beom.

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