Vivid and
Strokes of
Hong Suk-chang, professor
of Hongik University stands
for the modernization of Korean literati painting
Professor Hong's appetite for creation doesn't be restrained by the size of the paper. Audiences can see voluminous works drawn on huge papers that emit explosive energy meanwhile tasting small paintings that cannot be more delicate and subtle. This reflects his ability to control the space on the paper. Vigorous and dignified world of his works shows deep, open-hearted and enlivened touches of brush.
In his works, we can see thick, simple and bold lines, with relatively long breathing and rhythm, in a magnificent and sublime scale which goes beyond our imagination. Such properties have been kept from his debut until now, and will go on still in the future. As known widely, his creation has started from traditional Korea literati painting and he still seeks the possibility of its successive development and evolution.The reason why he is insistently obsessive to the literati painting is not only because it constitutionally suits him but also because he cannot give up his taste for elegant and noble style of art.
It seems that the Chinese classic and calligraphy he learned in his childhood formed the foundation on which he has built and continued close relationship with literati art.
In fact, the status and value of literati painting in Korea nowadays is increasingly threatened by modern art,
which lays the burden and distress. Especially it is true indeed in this circumstance where diversified and multi-dimensional images with shocking impact gush from everywhere, with which the literary painting works have to compete. To already overloaded literary painting artists from the competition with enormous modern art works, it is even more burdensome. However, notwithstanding this pessimistic environment, there definitely exists the reason and cause of subsistence of literati painting.
Since his graduation from Oriental Painting Department of Hongik University in 1964, he has held quite many solo and team exhibitions at home and abroad. Most recently in 2005, he participated in L.A. Art Fair 2005, The Korea & Japan Committee of Fine Art Culture (Japan), International Tsai-moclothes Art Exhibition (Taiwan) and Osaka Art Fair (Japan). Also thanks to his character of works and its aesthetic integrity, Hong has been on the good term with many Chinese prominent artists, contributing the promotion of cultural exchanges between two countries. nw