Gala Reception for 14th Anniversary of Uzbekistan Liberation

Gaining independence back is definitely meaningful and commemorable event for a country. But, especially for Uzbekistan, it means not only a political separation, but also a momentum of the establishment of national identity after 70 years of Russian occupation.
Just like it is marked as a holiday like a festival in Uzbekistan, the embassy also held a merry and liberal reception on the occasion of anniversary of Independence Day Sep. 2.
Joined by many Ambassadors including Amb. Pedro Paulo Assumpcao of Brazil, Amb. Pedro Goyenaga Hernandez of Costa Rica, Amb. Hector Galvan of the Dominican Republic, Amb. Pavel Hrmo of Slovak Republic and other business figures and embassy people, the reception ceremony was held in a festival mood. Two big screens hung on the front side of the hall were showing Uzbekistan people splendidly dancing with the music of the country, which excited the atmosphere of reception.
After scores of picture-taking, Ambassador Vitali V. Fen and Mrs. Fen wearing in a vivid Uzbekistan traditional dress spontaneously began dancing and soon other people around joined them.
Since the establishment of diplomatic relations in 1993, bilateral trade and technological cooperation between Korea and Uzbekistan has been increasingly active mostly in automobile and textile industry. Korea is Uzbekistan? second biggest trade partner.

Uzbekistan Ambassador Vitali V. Fen

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