KINS Dedicated to
Enhancing Nuclear Safety

- State-Run Institute Covers Various Nuclear Businesses

Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety (KINS) has been committed to enhancing safety for all nuclear power and radiation-related institutes and facilities operating in Korea and their employees.
It is safe to say that the primary responsibility for nuclear safety lies on constructors of reactors covering design, construction and operation. But it is also true that a state-level intervention is needed toward that end, as nuclear industry has far-flung impact upon the people's health and national environment. In this context, KINS was born as part of efforts to efficiently regulate and supervise all processes of construction and operation of nuclear facilities at the state level.
Given this background, it is necessary to be equipped with relevant rules and institutions for effective supervision coupled with human resources capable of carrying out such projects.
Against this backdrop, the KINS was founded with the goal of "protecting the people from the possible radiation disaster arising from production and uses of nuclear power and contributing to the promotion of public safety and environmental preservation."
Institutes subject to safety regulations include those producing and using nuclear energy and radiation in Korea like nuclear power plants, nuclear facilities, reactors for research and education purposes, bodies using radioactive materials, manufacturers of key components of nuclear plants and so on.
Key business areas cover examinations and approval of nuclear facilities, development of safety regulation, development of regulatory technology, management of nuclear license examinations and control of relevant information.
With regard to construction of reactors, the institute has been in charge of strictly examining in the process of site selection, design, production, construction and operation.
As of December, 2004, the number of facilities using radioactive materials and radiation reached 2,336. KINSO safety regulations consist of examination of safety before usage, and checks in the process of packaging and transportation.
Regarding long-term vision, KINS is committed to do its best to become a nuclear safety-specializing organization that deserves trust from the people.
Its three goals for that purpose are "establishment of scientific and rational safety regulatory system," "securing world's top level regulatory capabilities" and "securing the people's trust regarding nuclear safety regulation."
It is important to obtain social consensus on nuclear safety in order to push for nuclear policies these days which need people's participation for policy making.
Securing nuclear safety has been the common goal of all the people. KINS will pursue obtaining trust from the people, out of the judgment trust into the KINS is directly related to the trust into nuclear facilities. Toward this end, the organization will continue to respect the thought and sentiments of the residents in the vicinity of nuclear facilities. nw

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