To Improve Postal Service
- Korea Post institutes unsatisfied customer reimbursement system

Korea Post started the unsatisfactory customer reimbursement system from Jan.1 to strengthen customer's rights and improve its postal delivery service, Korea Post officials said recently.
The new system is an expansion of the postal service actual charge reimbursement system put into practice from July, 2001.
The system includes: the delivery of registered parcel delivery is delayed for 2 days, Korea Post will pay back the delivery charge: Korea Post will also make reimbursement if parcels to be delivered during holidays are delayed for more than a day; If parcels due to be delivered on the same day or the next day are delayed for more than 4 hours, Korea Post will pay back postages. Korea Post has been working on a plan to revise postal delivery related laws to increase the damage reimbursement charge from 400,000 won to 500,000 won.
Korea Post plans to pay back the entire amount of postal charges and fees if postal material is delayed for more than 3 days. If express mail service(EMS) is lost, damaged and delayed, delivery charges will be free and mileages added.
Damage reimbursement will be applied to the Korea Post shopping with the returned goods pick up system instituted. Up until now, damage reimbursement requests should be made within 15 days from the dates that damage or delivery delays occurred at the post offices or delivery post offices, but from the new year, the requests can be filed at offices, homes and Korea Post call centers(1588-1300).
Park Jae-kyu, head of the postal service team, said the background for instituting the unsatisfactory customer reimbursement system was the expression of confidence on the part of Korea Post following the establishment of the postal home delivery information system and the call centers, the restructuring of postal delivery system and delivery parcel pick up same day system, among others, which all played part in improving the next day delivery rate immensely so that home delivery service can be made at the same rate all across the country. nw

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