VOL.10 NO.116 OCT. 2002
Presidential Race is far from being racy MOFE : Commitment to Reform Is Unshakeable APEC-OECD Co-operative Initiative on Regulatory Reform : Mending Nation's Ways Hanwha Prepared for Great Leap at 50th Anniversary One-stop Real Estate Transaction Service May be Introduced Next Year MOCT: Wading in Inter-Korean Transportation Network
NATION Presidential Race is far from being racy
METROPOLITAN 'Hi Seoul' Slogan Accents Citizens' Day Celebrations Love Seoul Festival Held at Sejong Cultural Center
FINANCE MOFE : Commitment to Reform Is Unshakeable Be Prepared for Contingency to Yield the Right-Of-Way Sustainable Development Fills the Bill for Poverty Reduction KEXIM: a Lot of Promise for Long-term Export Financing FSS: Indiscriminate Spending Pays the Piper
POLICY MOCT: Wading in Inter-Korean Transportation Network APEC-OECD Co-operative Initiative on Regulatory Reform: Mending Nation's Ways KT&G Launches Overseas Road Shows of DR Issuance Minister Shin Reaffirms Government Stance on Foreign Direct Investment
REALTY One-stop Real Estate Transaction Service May be Introduced Next Year
CONSTRUCTION Efforts Concentrated on Helping a Sound Construction Market Take Root Hyundai Construction Bouncing Back with Increased Overseas Activity SEC Takes Stock of Japan's Best Authoritative Prize for Civil Engineering
CORPORATION LGI : Taking a New Turn for Strategic Businesses Hanwha Prepared for Great Leap at 50th Anniversary
STEEL POSCO Advances into Potential Future Growth Areas
ENERGY Nation's Power Consumption in August Increased by 5.3% KDHC: One Good Turn Deserves Another MOCIE: Ways and Means for District Heating Charges
ELECTRONICS MOCIE to Support Production of Test Non-memory Chips Samsung Electronics Develops 90 Nano-class Technology for DRAM Manufacturing LG Electronics Seeks Partnership with Microsoft in Home Networking LG Philips LCD, Winner of the Highest Honor at IMID 2002
TECHNOLOGY KATS Holds Int'l Expo of Environmentally Friendly Products
CREDIT CARD LG Card Gives Its Right Arm to Take the Occasion Kookmin Card: Thumbing a Ride with RF Chip BC Card Lends a Great Deal of Color to Various Age Groups
INDUSTRY OKF Hosts the 1st World Korean Business Convention Investment Policy Forum Hosted for Overseas Korean Entrepreneurs
INFO-TECH KRNIC Keeps Abreast of Next-generation Internet Base Plan KT Presents IT Prowess During Busan Asian Games KTF Launches Mobile Internet Service Magic
AIRLINES Korean Air Dedicates New Aircraft Service Base in Incheon Int'l Airport Asiana Placing Passengers in Top Class
HOTEL Sheraton Walker Hill Offers Improved Customer Services